Friday, 3 May 2013

Swot Analysis for Music Magazine Websites

Hi Everyone, 

I am sorry for my inactivity but I will try update the blog more often and frequently if I get too.
I have done this work in school and most music magazine websites have been blocked unfortunately. Here is a SWOT Analysis of NME, mixmag and Rolling Stone magazines.

Today I am going to give a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis on music magazine websites. - NME Magazine
-Pop up adverts
-Audio and Video Content
-Latest and up-to-date daily news coverage and information
-Animations and interactive features
-Shop (purchase merchandise and goods)
-Tabs which link to other pages (e.g. Reviews, Photos, Blogs, New Music...)
-Behind the scene features shown in videos 
-Login and Register (Membership)
-Free cost to user
- Accessibly website through mobile phone and iPad
-Downloadable content
-Easier social network access
-Magazine Subscription discounts on website (40% off)

-No printable posters
-No revenue of internet websites (free access)
-Advertise brings revenue, but not enough 
-Magazine comes with freebies such as CD's and Posters

-International Editions for users to access from different countries
-Connectivity with Twitter, FaceBook, Myspace, YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr etc...

-Young audience reluctant to possibly visit website (not a 'trend')
-No posters which magazines usually always have as a feature - Mixmag
-No cost to consumer
-Website is more up-to-date compared to magazine which is produced monthly
-Nice, clear website layout
-Latest/daily news
-Phone/Technology Reviews
-Links to websites and festival information 
-Embedded videos
-Audio and Video content
-Information is easily more accessible 

-No cost to consumer - no finance through this way

-International website (Brazil)
-Easy access to FaceBook page and Twitter to 'Like' and 'Follow' for information of the magazine

-Young audience reluctant to go on site
-No posters - Rolling Stone
-No cost to consumer
-Website features daily news, mainly consisting of Rock news
-Clear website layout
-Interactivity slides reviewing latest news
-Featured artists
-Politics feature, which covers political news
-Registration and Login feature
-'100 Greatest' lists
-Features some Hip-Hop content
-Film and Television feature
-FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr pages
-Embedded videos
-Free use cost

-No printable posters
-No cost to consumer which leads to no finance

-'Give a Gift' feature which allows you to subscribe for a subscription which will send it to a friend or relative as a gift
-Customers Service 
-Social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr)

-No printable posters
-No revenue can lead to insufficient funds to operate site
-No downloadable content, where as, magazines usually contain CD's and Posters with music

Thanks for viewing this analysis!

Hope you enjoyed reading,
