Wednesday, 3 October 2012

GCSE Media Work Evaluation 3/10/12

Hi again;

It's Shervin and today I will be telling you about the work we had to complete today (3/10/12). 

Today we used PhotoShop to make Colour Palette's and then we coloured a fruit bowl in - sounds easy I know, but its a bit more complicated. 

We all had to pick a sort of setting or thing for example: urban, pastel etc...

I made my own one which was 'community' and I chose colours which suit a community; the colours are in the picture below. 

These are the colours I thought which would suit a community.

Since I picked 'community' I chose to get a picture of our Chemistry floor in my school (The picture in the corner), and by using the eyedropper I only used colours from the picture. Seems weird? Colours look different - just cause you can zoom in and actually pick a pixel of your choice.

